Distance: 1.5 Km (0.9 mile) — Time: 30 to 40 minutes
November is a month where we pause to remember all those who have lost their lives in conflicts around the world. We give thanks for them and their contribution to bringing about peace.
On this walk of remembrance, we shall take time to remember not only the victims of war and their loved ones, but we shall also pray for all those who have lost their lives during this pandemic.
We pray for their families and all those who continue to work on the front line, and all who continue to work for peace.
Download this Prayer Walk Leaflet
The Prayer Walk 02.pdf download is for printing on A4 paper: single or double-sided. It’s also suitable for reading on mobile phones and tablets.
The Prayer Walk 02 (Booklet).pdf download is for printing on A4 paper double-sided. You can then fold it to make a little A5 booklet with the pages in the right order.
You can find previous Prayer Walks in our Resource Library.
About the Prayer Walks
This is the second in a series of Prayer Walks, for you to use by yourself, in pairs, or as a small group. (Please practise appropriate social distancing when walking with others!)
Each walk in the series has a theme and an opening prayer. It will start from church and follow a short route around the roads and footpaths of Haxby and Wigginton.
The routes may vary, but in each there will be opportunities to pause and pray if you would like to do so. There will be ideas for prayers, but you can of course make up your own.
Alternatively, you might like to just walk the route. Or perhaps make up your own route but make reference to the themes and Bible verses.
We hope that you will find these guides useful as we continue to seek and draw close to God in these uncertain times.