April 2024
Are you looking to live more sustainably? We’ll post some easy ways to help you do it.
Around 77% of us are at least somewhat concerned about climate change, but research shows that it hardly ever comes up in conversation. We worry about bringing up a topic that is ‘too depressing’ perhaps.
By talking to others we will learn that we are not alone
We are (quite literally!) all in this together so sharing our concerns is natural and understandable. By talking to others we will learn that we are not alone and we may also learn how others are dealing with it.
Maybe you can share how you are doing your bit to help tackle the problem, or ask if others have any ideas?
Coming together is empowering; you realise how many others are also ‘doing their bit’. Perhaps one person can’t do much, but lots of people acting as individuals and with others adds up to a lot.
Lorraine Jones Local Pastor