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What is… The Luncheon Club?

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

Great news! The Luncheon Club is reopening its doors!

But what is the Luncheon Club?

The short answer is: a group of elderly local residents who come to the Haxby and Wigginton Methodist Church Hall for lunch.

Actually, it would be more accurate to say that it’s a group of elderly residents of similar age and circumstance who gather together for good company and good food. For most, the emphasis is on the good company as it provides the motivation and courage to meet people in a different environment—no small step in the aftermath of a pandemic!

Members of the Luncheon Club — all residents of Haxby and Wigginton — sit together at tables and enjoy lunch together.
Good friends, good food — at the Luncheon Club

The Club meets on Thursdays each week during school term time at the Methodist Church Hall and is open to residents of Haxby and Wigginton over the age of 60.

We offer a choice of soup with a roll, a choice of cold desserts, and tea or coffee at a cost of £4.00 per person.

Our members start arriving from 11:30am onwards, giving them a chance to get settled and have a chat with their friends before we start serving at 12 noon. We provide transport for our less mobile members free of charge.

The Luncheon Club has been in existence for over 40 years, has a current membership of over 50 people and a waiting list of people wishing to join

Is there a real need for such a community activity?

Yes! The fact that the Luncheon Club has been in existence for over 40 years, has a current membership of over 50 people and a waiting list of people wishing to join that we can’t accommodate at present, speaks volumes for the need. If our elderly folk were lonely and isolated before, COVID-19 has escalated the problem.

Unfortunately it has also decimated our staff—all volunteers from the local Church congregations and the wider community.

So, much as we might wish to, we cannot serve as many people as we once did. Nevertheless, we have a dedicated team of wonderful volunteers all determined to make a difference. But we could really do with more…

Would you like to help us?

If you have a couple of hours to spare on a rota basis, why not come and join us? A few hours of your time occasionally would help make a big difference to our members!

To find out more, speak to Sue Raybould (01904–763592) or Mary Metcalf (01904–492783). Or call in any Thursday lunchtime to see for yourself!

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