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Taketime Advent Meditation

A guided meditation in our Sky room,

followed by hot drinks and mince pies.

In the hustle and bustle of the festive season, come and find a small oasis of rest and peace. Taketime Together Meditations are an opportunity to pause in the presence of God’s gracious and caring love… and find rest.

2pm–3:30pm, Wednesday 20th December 2024

Our guided meditations follow the Ignatian practice in which we imagine that we are in a story from the Bible. For a short while, we can stay with Jesus and simply rest, or ask of Jesus whatever we like, or simply tell him how we feel.

We may find that Jesus answers us, telling us what we need to hear and helping us feel the presence of God’s love.

Please contact Lorraine to find out more or book a place: email or call 07850 631168

Lorraine Jones Local Pastor


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